nameredacted: ok, i’m sure you’re much too busy to want to talk about this, so i’ll just type it and you can tell me what you think later
nameredacted: it’s a reality website concept called BLOG IDOL
nameredacted: people audition with blog entries
nameredacted: and then the finalists have to write a post on whatever topic each week
nameredacted: and there’s a panel of scathing judges
nameredacted: who critique
nameredacted: would people enter/follow the competition?
me: probably
me: people would do it to get traffic
me: i’ve thought of somethign similar
me: but as a RACE!
me: who can blog something THE FASTEST
me: as in, here’s a link, now GO!
me: blog it with image
me: summary
me: criteria = speed, summation, compelling accompanying art, accuracy (spelling/grammar/comprehension), and humor
nameredacted: yes, but that’s a very particular kind of blogging
nameredacted: that would be like having a yodelling-only american idol
me: yodalehoo! I JUST WON
2 thoughts on “It’s an idea”
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This person is a fucking genius.
Yeah. I wonder who it could be.