Best strollers for NYC walk-up apartments

2 thoughts on “Best strollers for NYC walk-up apartments”

  1. Thanks for your detail-filled post, Adam. We’re in the same boat here in Tel Aviv – looking for a stroller that we can easily (!) lug up to our 4th floor walk-up. Going to do a bit more research, but your arguement for the City Mini is pretty strong. 🙂

    1. Funny, because I just talked to someone out on the street yesterday about Bee vs. City Mini. He and his wife were in the same boat, trying to decide. I advised City Mini. Seems to be better value. At this point, our baby is now 9 months and old enough to go in an umbrella stroller. We have so little space in our apartment that I’m eager to get rid of the Bee and switch to the more compact option of the umbrella.

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