It wasn’t too long after we brought our daughter home from the hospital that I started longingly browsing Trulia and Zillow looking for a bigger place with MORE SPACE. We own a small two-bedroom apartment that’s good for now but is slowly filling up with the accoutrements of family life.
We’re hoping to stay in Astoria. I’ve grown to love the neighborhood. And I think even Claire, who was originally not so keen on Queens, has caught my enthusiasm for the borough. (If you’re from Brooklyn or Manhattan, though, I think you would HATE IT. Don’t even think of moving here.)
Anyway, the point of my post is that in browsing homes for sale in Queens, there’s just some real craziness going on in some of the photos. It’s like these people have never watched Flip This House or Curb Appeal.
Seriously, I could probably start a great single-subject Tumblr blog with some of the photos I’ve seen.
Further reading: I should take this opportunity to plug the blog Astoria Ugly, whose tagline is, “Pretty is for pussies. Embrace the Queens aestethic.”