How to Use the Internet to Show People You’re the Coolest at Eating Food:
Anytime You Go to a Cool Restaurant, Make a Big Show of Documenting It Across Your Entire Social Network — You’ve got to Tweet, status update, Foursquare check-in, Tumblr pic, Flickr share, Yelp review and update your LinkedIn by the end of your meal, otherwise it’s like you were never even there. If you don’t already know what constitutes a ‘cool restaurant’, you need to jack your strat (or just pick up a NY Magazine), but here are a few helpful hints for you entry-levs out there: anywhere with a ‘Tasting Menu’, places where hipster celebrity chefs do really fancy things with pork, crazy ‘Molecular Gastronomy’ places, any meal priced over $100/per person, all Momofukus.