‘The Chair’

The Chair
Colonel Jack O’Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) sits in an “Ancient” control chair on one of the Stargate shows.

“Change her diaper and I’ll feed her in The Chair.” <-- That's my wife in the morning. "The Chair" being the glider in The Bean's nursery. In the morning she has to make the distinction about nursing location, since she often feeds the baby in a side-lying hold in our bed. I know the day has begun in earnest when my wife takes The Chair. Continue reading “‘The Chair’”

Who holds the record for fastest diaper change?

Who holds the record for fastest diaper change? Not me, to be sure, though I have gotten pretty good at swapping out shit britches over the last four weeks. It takes me less than a minute now for cloth diapers—and less than that if I’m putting The Bean in disposables. That’s still not as fast as the various procedures above. But they have nothing on this guy. Continue reading Who holds the record for fastest diaper change?